Network marketing is popularly known as multi-level marketing, tiered marketing and affiliate marketing. Network marketing is based on a business model on which a company distributes its products and services through a network of independent contractors.
A network marketer is an independent business owner/distributor who markets the products and services of a company to customers of their own.
In order to become a successful network marketer and receive the distinction as one of the top earners and earn the coveted title of a Network Marketer Rock star. A network marketer has to undergo four stages. These stages are Novice, List builder, Team builder and Master.
This stage is known as Academy level. You are in training learning how to generate leads and how to speak to prospects. This necessary and important stage has to be completed correctly. All other education and experiences will be built unto this foundation.
You have to go through this stage and complete the necessary work you need to do. When you have acquired the knowledge and skills, then you are ready to move to the next stage of network marketing.