“Collaboration is an act executed by an organization, company or group of people to reach a common goal, which typically takes place on a larger scale than teamwork.” On a smaller scale, “Teamwork is cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interest of common cause.”
More importantly, collaboration and teamwork create an environment that permits the resources, skills and knowledge of each team member to thrive.
In order for collaboration and teamwork to work effectively, certain factors must be considered. These factors include environment, member diversity, process/structure, vision, resources, knowledge, skills, goals and communication, that should be opened and frequent as well as both formal and informal.
Initially, a great deal of effort and attention are required to sustain the spirit of collaboration and teamwork, and both must be high priorities. In these environments, responsibility must be defined and each member needs to understand the importance of working smoothly together to ensure success. There must be an encouraging culture and each member must be dedicated to the whole team and be willing to act unselfishly. The spirit of collaboration and teamwork is most effective when team members are expressive and open to positive competition.
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